Detailed description
“VTP Transekspo” LLC has developed the fire protection concept and provided fire protection management support at design, construction and commissioning stages of 3 (three) hypermarkets (“Auchan” at the address: Kiev, 17 Zdolbunovska St.; “Auchan” at the address: Kyiv, Gnat Khotkevich St., 1B; “Auchan” at the address: Donetsk region, Makeevka, Slavyansk-Donetsk-Mariupol road, 114 km) with a total area of about 116 thousand square meters.
We acted as a contractor for the fire protection systems, having completed a set of installation and commissioning works for the following systems:
- Automatic fire alarm system;
- Public address and evacuation management system;
- Sprinkler and Drencher automatic fire extinguishing system and Internal fire water pipeline system;
- Mechanical and natural heat and smoke exhaust system;
- Gas fire extinguishing system;
- Fire Extinguishing system of kitchen equipment;
- Fire protection dispatching;
- Gas control system;
- Development of fire protection concept;
- Fire protection management in design, construction and commissioning.