Detailed description
METRO Cash & Carry is a leading international company of format cash&carry (wholesale fprmat) as part of METRO AG.
VTP Transexpo has been accompanying METRO since the opening of the first hypermarket. Since 2003 our company has installed the protection systems in 25 shopping centers of МЕTRO Cash&Carry Ukraine.
It is necessary to pay attention to the consulting direction, namely: the Fire Protection Management. We have been supporting all aspects of fire protection of METRO Cash & Carry Ukraine since the appearance of the brand in Ukraine.
For a network of hypermarkets with area up to 16 thousand square meters, it was designed and installed the automatic fire alarm systems, server gas fire extinguishing systems, natural smoke exhaust system. It was carried out a set of the commissioning works of the following systems:
- Automatic fire alarm system;
- Automatic gas fire extinguishing system of the server rooms;
- Automatic smoke exhaust system;
- Supply and installation of fireproof doors;
- Development of fire protection concept;
- Fire protection management in design, construction and commissioning.